* the edible parts of most fruits and vegetables consist largely of parenchyma tissue
* parenchyma tissue is composed of parenchyma cells which are the most abundant of the cell types; they are found in almost all major parts of higher plants. They are more or less spherical in shape when they are first produced, but when all the parenchyma cells push up against one another, their thin pliable walls are flattened at the points of contact. As a result, parenchyma cells assume various shapes and sizes, with the majority having 14 sides. They tend to have large vacuoles and may contain starch grains, oils, tannins (tanning or dyeing substances), crystals and various other secretions.
Why am I telling you this, you are probably wondering,- well I was thinking of vascular bundles and celery just the other day and what did I see on pigdump but vascular bundles and celery! what excitement! I thought maybe you would like to further your knowledge about the wonderful world of botany!
* parenchyma cells containing numerous chloroplasts (as found in leaves) form chlorenchyma tissue, whose chief function is photosynthesis
* collenchyma cells, like parenchyma cells, have living protoplasm and mat remain alive a long time. they are distinguished form parenchyma cells primarily by the thicker walls, the thickness usually varying enough that in a cross section (under the hated microscope) the walls appear uneven. Collenchyma cells occur just beneath the epidermis and are usually longer than they are wide, and they're walls are pliable as well as strong. They provide flexible support for both growing organs and mature organs, such as leaves and floral parts. The "strings" of celery that get stuck in our teeth are composed of collenchyma cells
* the gritty texture of pears is due to the presence of groups of sclereids, or stone cells as they are sometimes called.
Inquiring gardeners want to know! But maybe not this much. After taking these courses I can never look at a plant quite the same way!